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Have you ever been banned on a forum?

Sep 29, 2023
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Some forum admins just banned accounts indiscriminately. Some don't even get to let you know why you were banned. I have read this alot about the admin of BMF. Have you ever been banned by a forum admin?.Were you given a reason for such?
BMF banned me but the reason was shallow and insane. I was new and it happened that a, new member from Mexico spoke with me in Latin and Spanish without knowing that it was a violation. Why blame me for speaking those languages when I can speak Spanish and Latin and why banned right away why not give an ultimatum? Well anyway I already moved on.
There are several types of account bans on forum sites, ranging from minor bans, usually only in a matter of days or less than a month, to permanent bans due to repeated fatal or repeated mistakes. I always obey the rules so I have never been banned on any forum site.
Some forum admins just banned accounts indiscriminately. Some don't even get to let you know why you were banned. I have read this alot about the admin of BMF. Have you ever been banned by a forum admin?.Were you given a reason for such?
BMF, lol. I have been banned from BMF after i register on the forum.
I'm a long-time member of BMF and I've never had any problems, it's true that I've seen a lot of people complain that they were banned from the forum, but others resorted to communicating with Mr.B on telegram giving their side of the story and were unbanned.
Yes, in 2020 I was permanently banned from my first eraning site that I had discovered about ten years earlier. This site is MYLOT. Do you know it too?
Earlier I was banned on a large number of forums because I complained about corruption, nepotism in the internet sector. Now I am mainly discussing technical issues so the ban is less.
Earlier I was banned on a large number of forums because I complained about corruption, nepotism in the internet sector. Now I am mainly discussing technical issues so the ban is less.
You better change your style, nothing happens to your country full of deceit. Write according to the topics. Those sites were provoked.
You better change your style, nothing happens to your country full of deceit. Write according to the topics. Those sites were provoked.
My dear friend @Starmix . Have you also worked for Mylot in the past? It's a question just to know.
Thank you.
BMF banned me but the reason was shallow and insane. I was new and it happened that a, new member from Mexico spoke with me in Latin and Spanish without knowing that it was a violation. Why blame me for speaking those languages when I can speak Spanish and Latin and why banned right away why not give an ultimatum? Well anyway I already moved on.
This was bad, how can one just get banned because of just this ridiculous reason. it doesn't make much sense.
Many of you are complaining that BeerMoneyForum has banned many of its users. But as far as you know, has it been sold? I knew that once the owner was Mr.B, a Mr. of Romanian nationality.
BMF banned me when I raised my payout request. I tried my best to find out the reason but admin didn't answer. There were very uncomfortable feeling there to writing for them.
Same reason why I was banned on bmf too, I requested payout the previous day then waking up to seeing my account banned even without completing the transaction.well, I have moved on.
Now as I reading the posts I see that a lot of peaple got banned on BMF me too it was my bad but IT SAID it will give a warning but it never did so they are lying I do not like forum it is messy there is not life there most peaple makes reviews and no one gives a shit about them
Never banned on a forum, until I remember.

BMF banned me but the reason was shallow and insane. I was new and it happened that a, new member from Mexico spoke with me in Latin and Spanish without knowing that it was a violation. Why blame me for speaking those languages when I can speak Spanish and Latin and why banned right away why not give an ultimatum? Well anyway I already moved on.

I'm sorry cause the happening of such a mishap:cry:. I suppose the secret in these circumstances is to translate your reply into English. It happened a similar thing to me years ago in BMF: I found a Spanish post. Being Spanish my 360º teaching habilitation, I felt happy to answer in the user's language, but knowing all languages but English are forbidden in BMF, I made a point of translating all in English (both my answer and the user's post, explaining I was translating). Result: unfortunately, the Spanish (or Latin) user was banned, but not me. Now, to secure my BMF job (apart from my lack of free time), I post only sporadically. Multiple posts are disapproved, I'm perceiving.
I hope I never encounter something like this because I have never been banned from a forum.
Same reason why I was banned on bmf too, I requested payout the previous day then waking up to seeing my account banned even without completing the transaction.well, I have moved on.
This can really be frustrating especially if you didn't get your previous payout. He would have paid before the ban
I don't think I have although I came close on BMF for criticising something (I can't remember what now). Another member backed me up and we were told by Mr.B to clear off. I left and never went back as I thought he was very rude.
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