Have you ever been rejected by your love interest

Still never proposed or asked for a love to anyone, but i hope i never get rejected when i ask, because if i get rejected once i will never ask twice.
Sometimes! I noticed that women are strange creatures! Their No may indirectly means yes! Those beautiful creatures are so crafty and cunning.
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It can be painful to handle this act. You have someone you admired but the person is saying a big No. Have you ever experienced this? How was the feeling?
I think if you truly love the person, you will continue pushing. Sometimes! Women can reject your proposals but actually they are testing your patience. Women are highly unpredictable.
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Sometimes! I noticed that women are strange creatures! Their No may indirectly means yes! Those beautiful creatures are so crafty and cunning.
Yes, i have heard that sometimes when women say no they are saying yes, but its too complicated to understand this type of person during relationship, imagine if she is like this before relationship, i don't know how she will act during the relationship.
I had this twice and it was a little painful. The first time I was still very young and I don't consider it serious, but the second time happened at the age of 17 and I think it was true love, but I was rejected, I spent a lot of time thinking about this person after the rejection, but I had to accept
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