Have you ever misplaced money? How did you handle it?

I am very careful about handling money. But there have been times when I have placed it carefully in such safe place and later forgotten about it. Lol! Though I could not remember while searching for it, I just found them later while cleaning up.
Such things don't happen any more as these days, I am mostly into digital transactions.
As far as I know, I have never misplaced money, especially when outside the house, but I have been pickpocketed twice while riding public transportation.
That was a scary experience. I hope you still have money with you for fare at that time. I think it is a scary experience. We need to be extra careful.
I only experienced one time now placing my money but I recovered it after two months. It was placed inside my jogging pants 😁. I bought a new jogging pants for my jog-walk activity and I forgot to take our the money inside the pocket of my jogging pants Thankful I have not worn it and washed after using. I might be throwing money worth $ 250. My bad.
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