Have you ranked number one on Google | Discussion Bucks

Have you ranked number one on Google


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Sep 29, 2023
D Bucks
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None of the websites I am running now rank number one or even do not appear on the first page of Google, but I have a lot of articles published on Hubpages that ranked number 1. I also have a lot of articles on Hubpages that appear on the first page
It is kind a joke for me because out of 25 websites, none of these ranked number one. I tried my best but nothing positive happened.
I have articles on first page too. I did a BMF review that ranked in first page years back. I don't yet own a site. I believe with strategic SEO, my site could be on first page of I had one.
If you manage to rank number one on Google, you would have achieved so much and would get massive traffic to your site. You would need a high capacity SEO expert to achieve that.
I only had one blog once, and I didn't rank it number 1 on google, even though my blog is old and there was less competition at the time, I couldn't get it.
Several years ago, my blog and sites were always on the first page, even in first place, but now it seems that there is more and more competition and Google's regulations are getting stricter, so it is very difficult to occupy the first page.
None of the websites I am running now rank number one or even do not appear on the first page of Google, but I have a lot of articles published on Hubpages that ranked number 1. I also have a lot of articles on Hubpages that appear on the first page
It can be a tough process to get a website to rank number one on Google, but you're doing well with your content on Hubpages.
Yes, I am doing well with my hubpages content as these content are unique and well written
Yes, I’ve managed to obtained various #1 rankings over the years on the search engines. It took me a long time to do so. It took a while to get quality backlinks to these pages.