• We are deeply saddened by the tragic events at Donald Trump's rally today. Please keep the victims and their families in your thoughts and prayers.

Hello! Happy to be here

Sep 30, 2023
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A big Hello to everyone. I was excited to see a welcome mail in my inbox from Devin. Was quite caught up with offline obligations in the last two days and the big day of October 2 just slipped out of my mind. Happy to be here and even more happy to see many familiar names and friends from other sites. Looking forward to a wonderful journey here with you all.
Welcome to Discussion Bucks! Hope you find everything good here on this forum!
Welcome to Discussion Bucks. And hello @arunima25 .
Hello. Are you from myLot too? Happy to see you here too
A big Hello to everyone. I was excited to see a welcome mail in my inbox from Devin. Was quite caught up with offline obligations in the last two days and the big day of October 2 just slipped out of my mind. Happy to be here and even more happy to see many familiar names and friends from other sites. Looking forward to a wonderful journey here with you all.
Hello there, nice seeing you here too. I am relcap from sites.
Thank you everyone for this warm and friendly welcome. We are happy to see each other once again on a new site. I can recognise most of you from other sites. I am pretty active on myLot, Forum Coin, RIF and BMF. And I see lot of familiar faces from there.
Hi Arunima Ji, good to see your profile on this site too, it is always good to see friendly faces on a new endeavor. Let's see how this site turns out, but I already have a good feeling about it.
Hi Arunima Ji, good to see your profile on this site too, it is always good to see friendly faces on a new endeavor. Let's see how this site turns out, but I already have a good feeling about it.
Good to see you here too. You are right. It's always good to have more members. That ensures that the site continues with buzzing activities. Always happy to see familiar faces.
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