How do you approach your family for a financial problem?

Well, from my point of view, this isn't a difficult culture, as I saw with my own eyes the mishaps fruit of cultures promoting the lavish spender. Imagine such a circumstance: you are a third or fourth aged grandmother or grandfather and you only own a minimum pension. You can't afford a medical health insurance, as a third aged health insurance here costs 3 minimum salaries per month. This grandmother or grandfather hardly can purchase her/his drugs, hardly can pay a doctor appointment out of an insurance. Your grandchildren hardly get a job and when they get one, it's mostly an informal job. Despite their situation, they are used to spend for cinemas, video games and parties. At every turn, they get broken and where they knock the door? At their grandparents, obviously, who get rid of their drug purchasing to support their grandchildren. In my former culture, average people only want to avoid to spare/save money (the purpose is to live during the third and fourth age with dignity and not like an homeless beggars) for the thin cow seasons. They simply don't want to spend their hard earned and hard saved money to finance the spendthrift life of family members, friends and acquaintances.

Another mishap in the culture of my current country: people having a financial matter, prefer to receive nothing, if you can't give the exact amount they beg for (it's a cultural point among the less educated people), because it's usually the amount of a bill they can't pay or a similar situation.
I don't understand so the person would want you to foot the amount for the total bills or nothing?
I don't understand so the person would want you to foot the amount for the total bills or nothing?
More or less, this is the situation. From a certain point of view, I can understand: in a country where people easily get indebted, they need the whole amount to pay their bills. Not the ideal circumstances for their family members who hardly meet ends.
Frankly speaking l would be very hesitant to ask for the financial assistance from the family members because most of them would misinterpret that over dependency.
You might be right they will misinterpret your approach. They can't believe it's happening in you though they cannot refuse to help.
More or less, this is the situation. From a certain point of view, I can understand: in a country where people easily get indebted, they need the whole amount to pay their bills. Not the ideal circumstances for their family members who hardly meet ends.
Well, it is better you just give the person what you can afford let the person look else where for the remaining amount
Well, it is better you just give the person what you can afford let the person look else where for the remaining amount
You are right and I wish it were possible in my country, but there are cultural points hindering this path. Usually, here people prefer to get nothing than a partial amount from a single giver.
Just tell your family you're in a difficult situation and you need their financial help. They will understand you. On time, I tried to borrow money to know the reaction of my family who I helped most on time of financial need and they gave me money right away. Our family is our happiness.
You are right and I wish it were possible in my country, but there are cultural points hindering this path. Usually, here people prefer to get nothing than a partial amount from a single giver.
Oh wow this is one interesting culture. So you just move to the next person to keep asking than taking what is offered by others
The thing is that when you are always there for your family, they would always be there for you too when you are stuck. My mom's car just knocked the engine, we the kids want to contribute to fix it for her. Why won't she help a child that might have issues in future?
Oh wow this is one interesting culture. So you just move to the next person to keep asking than taking what is offered by others
More or less, it works so. Very probably because you waited until the expiring day to pay your bill.
More or less, it works so. Very probably because you waited until the expiring day to pay your bill.
But wait if you get the half payment from someone. is there any consequences you could suffer from doing that? And what could that be?
The consequences depend on each circumstance. If you don't pay the electricity bill, the light company cut you off immediately. If it's the water bill, the water company waits half and a month, letting people to pay later with a charge. If it's the wifi bill, it probably depends on the policy of each company.
I very rarely discuss my financial difficulties with my siblings, even though several times I went bankrupt building a business, I only talked to my parents, asking for prayers so that I could immediately improve my financial situation.
I very rarely discuss my financial difficulties with my siblings, even though several times I went bankrupt building a business, I only talked to my parents, asking for prayers so that I could immediately improve my financial situation.
I am also not doing it, Iam ashamed they will not believe me. But there was one time when I ran out of cash and that was very important. It was evening and I could not withdraw. I am afraid to go out so I borrowed money from my sister which she didn't refuse.
I am also not doing it, Iam ashamed they will not believe me. But there was one time when I ran out of cash and that was very important. It was evening and I could not withdraw. I am afraid to go out so I borrowed money from my sister which she didn't refuse.
Sometimes financial matters are more sensitive than talking about a failed romance, so if there is no urgent need it is better to keep quiet.
Sometimes financial matters are more sensitive than talking about a failed romance, so if there is no urgent need it is better to keep quiet.
Why is a failed d romance part of your comment :LOL:...well, it is true that financial matters ae nor sensitive than a failed romance,lol.
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