How many hours does it take you to decide on something significant?

Youngsters are exploring other countries but the middle class and poor can't do that. They are the most who suffer. The government is doing almost nothing. The jobs they are creating are not sustainable.
That's a worst reality to face with when a government doesn't do something to elevate the living conditions of the poor and underprivileged.
That's a worst reality to face with when a government doesn't do something to elevate the living conditions of the poor and underprivileged.
What poor Even the middle class educated class. If I had a good job before my marriage I would never have agreed to marriage as my mother-in-law created a big problem because she couldn't extract dowry from my father.
What poor Even the middle class educated class. If I had a good job before my marriage I would never have agreed to marriage as my mother-in-law created a big problem because she couldn't extract dowry from my father.
How nice if we could bring back the hands of time. All we do at present is recall the sweet and bad memories. The past taught us many lessons that can't be solved at present.
How nice if we could bring back the hands of time. All we do at present is recall the sweet and bad memories. The past taught us many lessons that can't be solved at present.
My married life was a big struggle just because of her. I pray I make a good career before my marriage in my next birth.
My married life was a big struggle just because of her. I pray I make a good career before my marriage in my next birth.
If we only have the power to see the things ahead of us , then we can surely dissuade bad life. Let's just accept and be thankful with what we experienced because we learned to endure and became stronger.
If we only have the power to see the things ahead of us , then we can surely dissuade bad life. Let's just accept and be thankful with what we experienced because we learned to endure and became stronger.
Yes, I not only became stronger but have learned to manage everything in life single handed.
Yes, I not only became stronger but have learned to manage everything in life single handed.
That's the usual result becoming stronger and confident after having surpassed all odds of life.
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Youngsters are exploring other countries but the middle class and poor can't do that. They are the most who suffer. The government is doing almost nothing. The jobs they are creating are not sustainable.
That's a big problem. I'm hoping that in the next election people will vote wisely. They shall not advocate vote buying.
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It depends on the matter and how urgent it is. Urgent matters need immediate attention and action. If a matter does not need immediate attention, i will allow my mind to muse over it until i arrive at define action. My business matters need immediate attention. I don't procrastinate it.
It is very easy for me to make decisions on simple things and I will not even think about them and in most cases they are the right decisions. However, for something very important, I need time and a lot, because even in written form, although I know all the pros and cons of this decision
When making decisions that are very important and will affect our lives in the future, such as a marriage proposal, haven't we previously discussed with our girlfriend, if we love each other and are suitable as our choice of life partner, then I will answer spontaneously yes, I agree. to immediately make a marriage proposal.
Youngsters are exploring other countries but the middle class and poor can't do that. They are the most who suffer. The government is doing almost nothing. The jobs they are creating are not sustainable.
It's better for the citizens to vote for the right politician who knows the meaning of leadership and commitment to the people. People must not be lured with vote buying.
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