How much percentage of your earnings do you save?


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Oct 2, 2023
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Saving is an art, not everyone does it, but those of us who want to do it know the importance of saving to maintain healthy and growing personal finances, it is always good to try to save an amount of the money earned during the month.

I have calculated that right now I will be saving more or less 25-30% of the money earned, and you, do you save? If you do, what percentage do you think you'll save each month?

I'll read you below
When saving, I try my best to save at least 30% of the money I earn every month.
I am following the 50-30-20 rule, but during the pandemic, I did not save monthly. There was a series of lockdowns and the prices were above the neck and most of all the banks were temporarily shut down in my place.

I am not following a specific rule. However, I try to save money as much as I can. This also involves spending a specific amount of money that I could afford to do so. However, creating a specific budget plan is possible under many circumstances. Following a specific plan in a diligent manner could be quite hard.
I am following the 50-30-20 rule, but during the pandemic, I did not save monthly. There was a series of lockdowns and the prices were above the neck and most of all the banks were temporarily shut down in my place.
There are situations in life that need exceptions and a change of plans, during the pandemic we all suffered a big setback and we had to use even savings that we had not planned to spend, that rule you follow is very good, I hope it continues to work for you in the future, I hope to increase my savings prospects in the future as well, But I also have fixed capital earmarked for investments right now.
There are situations in life that need exceptions and a change of plans, during the pandemic we all suffered a big setback and we had to use even savings that we had not planned to spend, that rule you follow is very good, I hope it continues to work for you in the future, I hope to increase my savings prospects in the future as well, But I also have fixed capital earmarked for investments right now.
I know that you have many investments, especially crypto and different kinds of coins, and bitcoins. Soon, you will wake up you are already a millionaire. Keep up that good investment and good luck to you.
I know that you have many investments, especially crypto and different kinds of coins, and bitcoins. Soon, you will wake up you are already a millionaire. Keep up that good investment and good luck to you.

I think that a person should save certain amount of money. This means he should save enough so that he could deal with expenses for the next month in case if there arises certain issues related to money. This is a common way to make sure that you have enough cash reserves.
Even though I have a bank savings account, basically I don't allocate my income to a savings account, but I allocate around 25% of my income every month directly to investment instruments, be it mutual funds or crypto. In my country, banks currently do not give interest on savings, even deposit interest is very small.
Saving is an art, not everyone does it, but those of us who want to do it know the importance of saving to maintain healthy and growing personal finances, it is always good to try to save an amount of the money earned during the month.

I have calculated that right now I will be saving more or less 25-30% of the money earned, and you, do you save? If you do, what percentage do you think you'll save each month?

I'll read you below
With the rate of inflation I can save very little now. I could save well a year ago but not now.
With the rate of inflation I can save very little now. I could save well a year ago but not now.
Inflation often causes price instability, income decreases, the value of investment instruments, especially share prices, falls,
So we need to look for other sources of income, especially from the internet.
Even though I have a bank savings account, basically I don't allocate my income to a savings account, but I allocate around 25% of my income every month directly to investment instruments, be it mutual funds or crypto. In my country, banks currently do not give interest on savings, even deposit interest is very small.
Well, as long as you use money wisely, no matter where you save it, in fact you can accumulate certain assets with the purpose of saving on them, such as bitcoin, gold, silver, or other precious minerals.
Well, as long as you use money wisely, no matter where you save it, in fact you can accumulate certain assets with the purpose of saving on them, such as bitcoin, gold, silver, or other precious minerals.
I agree with you, saving doesn't have to mean keeping money in a bank account, but placing money in a safe place and can generate returns and there are many types of investment instruments available out there.
It depends if there is planning to purchase something then reduce some expenses to save money or everything is regular so save part of money without remove any part of daily expenses.
Do you only save when you want to buy something? Or does it do it regularly? I'm sorry if I didn't get it right.

Cutting expenses is a good option to try to save money, but I have always been more in favor of trying to increase income to be able to save more easily, of course it is simple to say, but difficult to do, but it is the most effective way to save more money.
Do you only save when you want to buy something? Or does it do it regularly? I'm sorry if I didn't get it right.

Cutting expenses is a good option to try to save money, but I have always been more in favor of trying to increase income to be able to save more easily, of course it is simple to say, but difficult to do, but it is the most effective way to save more money.
Exactly when there is a need to buy something then I cut out some expenses to cover the cost like the purchase of a new phone or PC or some clothes or anything, in regular days I do save but not in the manner if planned to purchase something.
Inflation often causes price instability, income decreases, the value of investment instruments, especially share prices, falls,
So we need to look for other sources of income, especially from the internet.
I am doing that according to my strength and health condition but am not finding one.
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