Basically, emergency funds are used to anticipate unexpected things. Whatever unexpected events occur when we need funds, emergency funds can be used and do not interfere with your investment portfolio. So in your opinion, should everyone have an emergency fund?
It is a must to have an emergency fund but not all can do this. I cannot blame others failure of securing the emergency fund because of small income and food is their first priority. If they only realise the importance of emergency, they won't miss to do it.
I also agree with you, everyone should have an emergency fund even though it is not always a large amount, but at least it can meet their needs in the next few months.
Even a small amount to set aside could be of use during an important need. Despite fund deserved is small but it will accumulate without notice after some months of doing it.
That's right, Emergency funds are very important to help one with needs that one don't plan for and stay out of debts as you don't need to borrow to run the emergencies
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