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Is this the real end of forum coin or it would bounce back?

I have no idea what the pay rate on Forumcoin is now as I left around 2 years ago. I will say is Fergal is a decent man and very honest. If ever I had a problem he would sort it out and I was always paid on time. I'm sad to hear that the forum is declining but one of the posters there would annoy the hell out of me with his trash repetitive posting and he always got away with it. I just never understood it. He was always bragging about the vast amounts of money he earned on various sites but would never say what they were. Most of us like to share the sites we work on.
You can complain about FC payout rates or theme, but when all forums are gone, Forumcoin will be there and pay everybody.
It would still pay everyone but people have what to do with their time and might consider earning 5 cents for 15 minutes as a complete waste of time. That's why so many people have left.
I remember the days that Forum coin was always brimming with activity. I miss those days. You would find lots of interesting discussions that are lively. It is all gone now.
You can complain about FC payout rates or theme, but when all forums are gone, Forumcoin will be there and pay everybody.
Yeah I still believe this that it would work for a long time to come. I think Fergal just love the forum and will keep.it for a very long time
Instead of the site to grown in the number of users, it has reduced by more than half. No new discussions to engage in. Really terrible.
We don't have to complain about new discussions wheh the remaining users are not creating threads . it still lies in our hands
BorisKirwaLatest member