Living Flashy to Impress? One of the biggest financial mistakes.

King Belieal

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One big financial mistake that people make is that they spend really huge money to try and impress someone or people. The truth is that no one really cares about you.

They might just hail you at the spot but none of them would check up on you later to see if you are struggling financially. Don't spend to impress anyone at any point in time. It ain't worth it.
Among celebrities, living flashy to impress the viewers and the public will become a necessity, but when they are out of work or don't have offers for closing, the inflow of funds becomes less. Brands will rent luxury goods to impress the public, but for those of us who are used to living simple, no need for flashy living.
One thing I will never do is break my bank account just to impress everyone. If you do not like what you see, there is nothing stopping you from buying those things for me.
Yes, living extravagantly can lead to financial troubles. The people you are trying to impress are not invested in you. They have their own lives and won’t help when you are in need. Living within your means and being honest about your lifestyle is better. Save and invest the money instead.
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