Money may not make you happy but it can pay your medical bills | Discussion Bucks

Money may not make you happy but it can pay your medical bills

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Sep 26, 2023
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I am confused of the mindset of some people that money cannot buy happiness. Now if you are sick, how could you extend your life without money. You can't cure a bad sickness through water therapy. You need money There is less financial burden if having sources if money like your emergency saving, building rents savings, and or banking interest being accumulated. In conclusion, money makes us happy, it answers our needs.
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The thing is that so many people have died deaths that could have been avoided if only they had financial resources. When one has a health condition that requires a diet to control, one would understand how finances can extend life.
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That's true life could prolong if having money no money for doctor's bill and medicine mean failure to extend life. Life is precious and meaningful. Money is very essential and a, facilitator of happiness.
True, money cannot give us complete happiness, but it would definitely go a long way when it comes to the things we can do with money.
True, money cannot give us complete happiness, but it would definitely go a long way when it comes to the things we can do with money.
We feel fulfilled and secured once having money. We feel insecure and lonely without money. No money, no honey.
We feel fulfilled and secured once having money. We feel insecure and lonely without money. No money, no honey.
Yes that's true, there is this confidence money tends to give you.
Yes that's true, there is this confidence money tends to give you.
We always feel secure and safe when there's all the time money. No problem can't be solved when there's money. Look at those poorest of the poor very unfortunate they're always wishing for money to come to feed their hungry stomach.
Yes that is why it is very important to have money . it is good to make money whether you are happy or not, you need money
Yes that is why it is very important to have money . it is good to make money whether you are happy or not, you need money
No money, no happiness, let alone the aches to sustain if money is hard to find. If a person is sick, the first thing to strike in the head is money for the doctor's bill and the meds.
No money, no happiness, let alone the aches to sustain if money is hard to find. If a person is sick, the first thing to strike in the head is money for the doctor's bill and the meds.
Yes that's right it becomes even worse when you need money for emergencies. you just have to make money
Yes that's right it becomes even worse when you need money for emergencies. you just have to make money
Money is a never-ending thing and without it we are nothing.We will be sick and feel outsmarted by fate.
Money can buy happiness and those who say it's not true then ask yourself your feelings when you didn't have money. The mindset of the wealthy is sick of hearing people that money can't buy happiness.
People should pursue money desperately because of the things that money can help a person achieve. Education, health care, feeding and even clothing are all gotten with money. People should prioritize money.
At all cost we have to produce money though I'm single but I have my personal needs and future to prepare. We have to have to consider money as giving us happiness.
That's right the need for money is endless as such working for it should be endless too
As long as we live we continue working hard for the money. We need to explore so money will be the one to work for us.
From the simplest thing as transportation to go to the hospital requires money. Without money, your chances of living long is highly diminished.
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