Senior people do not want to relocate to smaller cities


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Oct 20, 2023
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A large IT company offered financial incentives to staff to relocate to a smaller city. Why are senior management people, especially in the it sector, not interested in relocating to smaller cities especially when the work and pay will be the same?
In some smaller cities and towns, I have noticed that high status respectable people are often extremely dishonest, greedy, and have no qualms cheating, exploiting, robbing older professionals who have relocated, often picking the lock of their house and robbing items.
A large IT company offered financial incentives to staff to relocate to a smaller city. Why are senior management people, especially in the it sector, not interested in relocating to smaller cities especially when the work and pay will be the same?
Nobody likes to be limited in any sort of way. We want to enjoy life to fullest. In smaller cities, some amenities may not be available all the time. Secondly, it is difficult to change lifestyle!
Nobody likes to be limited in any sort of way. We want to enjoy life to fullest. In smaller cities, some amenities may not be available all the time. Secondly, it is difficult to change lifestyle!

That's true , changing life style is not that easy. We cannot live in a small town of we are habitual of living in a big city.
A large IT company offered financial incentives to staff to relocate to a smaller city. Why are senior management people, especially in the it sector, not interested in relocating to smaller cities especially when the work and pay will be the same?
Once you get used to the facilities of a big city it's very difficult to go and adjust I small cities and towns.
Smaller city or town don't have a good infrastructure so people don't want to relocate there. Whereas I would prefer to relocate there because of less traffic, fresh air and other benifits.
Yes, when I become holder I would even wabts to relocate to a smaller town where there are less traffic and noise
The main problem in smaller cities and towns is that merit and hard work are not appreciated, the leaders and officials expect experienced single professionals relocating to agree to resume robbery, give up their savings.
Senior citizens may be hesitant to relocate to smaller cities despite comparable pay due to many different reasons. Maybe they are reluctant to leave behind the comfort and familiarity of their current home, or they are deeply attached to their communities and love to remain close to their families. In addition, the infrastructure available in larger cities may be a significant factor that influenced their decision.
maybe in some countries they don't want in my country almost all IT professionals who work remotely went to live in small towns in the interior of the country.
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