SuperPay.Me is a rewards site that pays users to complete various offers like surveys, downloads, games, videos, and more. Here is an overview and some tips for cashing out earnings:
On SuperPay.Me, users complete simple tasks to earn points called "redeems" which can be cashed out for gift cards or PayPal money. Most earnings come from market research surveys, app downloads/trials, and playing games.
Once a balance of 20,000 redeems ($20) is reached, users can cash out via PayPal or gift cards like Amazon, Target, and Starbucks.
- High variety of earning options
- Low minimum 20,000 redeems cashout
- Referral program to increase earnings
- Delayed reward delivery
- Lots of disqualifications on surveys
- Tedious activities for small earnings
Tips for Cashing Out
- Check site daily and complete all available offers
- Redeem points for PayPal once at 20,000
- Take advantage of referral opportunities
- Don't let redeems expire unused
Overall, SuperPay.Me provides many options to earn rewards if you have patience completing tedious activities. Just cash out earnings consistently before points expire.
On SuperPay.Me, users complete simple tasks to earn points called "redeems" which can be cashed out for gift cards or PayPal money. Most earnings come from market research surveys, app downloads/trials, and playing games.
Once a balance of 20,000 redeems ($20) is reached, users can cash out via PayPal or gift cards like Amazon, Target, and Starbucks.
- High variety of earning options
- Low minimum 20,000 redeems cashout
- Referral program to increase earnings
- Delayed reward delivery
- Lots of disqualifications on surveys
- Tedious activities for small earnings
Tips for Cashing Out
- Check site daily and complete all available offers
- Redeem points for PayPal once at 20,000
- Take advantage of referral opportunities
- Don't let redeems expire unused
Overall, SuperPay.Me provides many options to earn rewards if you have patience completing tedious activities. Just cash out earnings consistently before points expire.