Surviving heartbreak: men vs. women

For me i believe there is no definite answer. It mainly depends on each individual. There are cases where the man gets over it faster and there are cases where its the woman who gets over it faster.
Which one, in your opinion, gets over a breakup faster? men or women?
I think it depends on how they were committed on the relationship, the one who was in deep feeling and the one who makes all the effort will get more heartbroken, but in other hand the one who don't care and have no respect for the relation will not get that much feeling and will not suffer from the breakup.
There is no correct answer to it. It depends on the individual and the commitment he/ she had in the relationship. It's not easy to overcome a break up. Some can move on sooner while some take a longer time to get over that and move on. It has nothing to do with the gender of the person.
I feel that this has to do a lot with the societal upbringing and expectations too. Men are projected as strong one emotionally and they try all that they can to show that they are emotionally strong. So, most of the times they would mask their emotions and pretend to have not been effected. Women on the other hand are okay to cry and express their emotions.
Both the genders would be equally effected if they are seriously involved in the relationship. But yes, how they express it would differ. It would depend in the individual irrespective of the gender. But yes, the societal expectations has an impact for sure. Women have more weight of societal expectations in a relationship. She is given more moral burden to deal with. This might make them vulnerable to mental sickness and even suicidal thoughts after a relationship breaks.
Women can cry when they are hurt due to breaking up, but men do not they only poison themselves with hard liquor to forget the aches temporarily.
Should a man poison himself with liquor due to a breakup and be able to forget the pain, but that's not the case for me. I don't want to be a crybaby just because of love.
Should a man poison himself with liquor due to a breakup and be able to forget the pain, but that's not the case for me. I don't want to be a crybaby just because of love.
That is what I observed to my brother and co-worker unable to work the next day after their girlfriends broke up with them they were drunk and their reason was to forget their pains.
I would agree there. Men find hard liquor an easy way to get over their heartache and heartbreaks. Not only in this situation, even in other tough situations in life, they would get over drunk to get over their pain. Well, not men are like that. But yes, they do it more than women.
I think it depends on how they were committed on the relationship, the one who was in deep feeling and the one who makes all the effort will get more heartbroken, but in other hand the one who don't care and have no respect for the relation will not get that much feeling and will not suffer from the breakup.
Totally agree on this one.
In where I am from, a lady that was really in love with a guy finds it very difficult to survive after a heartbreak. In my place, men do love as game and are not too invested.
I would agree there. Men find hard liquor an easy way to get over their heartache and heartbreaks. Not only in this situation, even in other tough situations in life, they would get over drunk to get over their pain. Well, not men are like that. But yes, they do it more than women.
Definitely agree with you on that because I saw through my naked eyes how my brother suffered the pain of betrayal by his wife so to forget for awhile he drank hard liquor and was able to have good sleep. It's better that way than seeing my bro sobbing desperately.
Definitely agree with you on that because I saw through my naked eyes how my brother suffered the pain of betrayal by his wife so to forget for awhile he drank hard liquor and was able to have good sleep. It's better that way than seeing my bro sobbing desperately.
If something is bothering the mind, it becomes tough to sleep. Once people are drunk, they pass out and sleep. But it's not a refreshing sleep like one would get otherwise. But still they find it a way ro get some distraction and rest. So, many do go for alcohol or other similar addiction that would make them pass out and get distracted from the things that are troubling them
If something is bothering the mind, it becomes tough to sleep. Once people are drunk, they pass out and sleep. But it's not a refreshing sleep like one would get otherwise. But still they find it a way ro get some distraction and rest. So, many do go for alcohol or other similar addiction that would make them pass out and get distracted from the things that are troubling them
That's the usual resolution by some men to drink hard liquor to forget for a while the pain caused by breakup. For men it's indulging on their part. There are women who resort to drinking hard liquor to ease for a while their troubled mind and aching heart.
That's the usual resolution by some men to drink hard liquor to forget for a while the pain caused by breakup. For men it's indulging on their part. There are women who resort to drinking hard liquor to ease for a while their troubled mind and aching heart.
People irrespective of genders resort to hard liquor to get over the pain. Yes , men might be doing it more than women. As long as it helps them and does not become an addiction to hamper their lives in long run, it would be okay to resort to it for some time till you get over the heartbreak. But unfortunately in many cases, they become addicted.
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