Surviving heartbreak: men vs. women

People irrespective of genders resort to hard liquor to get over the pain. Yes , men might be doing it more than women. As long as it helps them and does not become an addiction to hamper their lives in long run, it would be okay to resort to it for some time till you get over the heartbreak. But unfortunately in many cases, they become addicted.
For me, drinking hard liquor is not the answer to the problem, but to face it and make life better again. We can make ourselves busy doing something we liked before and that's how to gradually forget the pain. Divert the mind to other things and not to feel what the heat feels. That is life mysterious.
It depends on the person. Some men or women find it hard to move on especially if they are invested in the relationship.
That is the factor to decide. If one is really invested in the relationship, it would come as a big emotional blow. Also, if the relationship has been a long one, it would have more impact and take longer ti move. People who are basically very emotional in nature find it tough to get over such things.
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For me, drinking hard liquor is not the answer to the problem, but to face it and make life better again. We can make ourselves busy doing something we liked before and that's how to gradually forget the pain. Divert the mind to other things and not to feel what the heat feels. That is life mysterious.
I am on the same page of thoughts as yours. I strongly feel that addiction can not be a solution to any problem. In fact it can lead to bigger problems. I totally agree with you that one needs to be engaged in doing something productive and positive that would help you stay distracted and slowly get over the pain. Drinking alcohol provides a temporary relief, it does no good in fixing the problem.
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