Think twice before you answer

Even during examination, a student must think twice before ticking the box for the final answer or else failed in the exam. It's also the same in a business transaction not to affix the signature right away read and think then affix.
Even during examination, a student must think twice before ticking the box for the final answer or else failed in the exam. It's also the same in a business transaction not to affix the signature right away read and think then affix.
True, everywhere in our life thinking twice have a lots of uses and benefits, and they best thing we all need to do before doing any thing or talking any thing thinking twice. we have to remember that.
True, everywhere in our life thinking twice have a lots of uses and benefits, and they best thing we all need to do before doing any thing or talking any thing thinking twice. we have to remember that.
We have to rationalise our possible reply. It's not good to jump at a conclusion. We'll be safe if not answer in haste. Many became victims because of responding right away.
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