Trendri Forum Resumes Paid Posting.

Five post and five comments? Is there a way to check your earnings? Cause as of last week when I heard the news I check the site but I could not even find where to check if I am earning or not.
Every member who has finished creating a post or comment and published it, Trendri will automatically give an alert that you are the recipient of the payment amount for the post you created, or you can also compare the credit before creating the post and after creating the post.
Every member who has finished creating a post or comment and published it, Trendri will automatically give an alert that you are the recipient of the payment amount for the post you created, or you can also compare the credit before creating the post and after creating the post.
Okay thanks for the update, I we take notes next time I visit the site again.
I hope that this time users don't use the platform again with poor contents just fot earning incentives. We can not blame ChatGPT or any AI tool. It's the abuse of these tools by the writers to be blamed. Hopefully, users remain responsible this time around.
I read that they have stopped paying for certain sections like Health forum. Well, that can be upsetting. I want more and more sections to be active as each one's interest is different.
I still would like to join, but lack of free time to dedicate is persecuting me.
The only dent is the times that they always suspend paid posting b

In addition, I'm apprehensive cause this above explained mishap, obviously due to the low quality posts and the use of chatGPT by dishonest users. In any way, in the next weeks I'll see if it's possible to manage such a lack of free time and join Trendri, even if I know I'll be able to post up to a message or topic once per week.
michaeldavenportLatest member