What could be a typical nightmare situation to you?

Well, sorry but for me that is not a nightmare but it is already a reality that I will have to face when I finish paying in prison my debt with the justice. My real nightmare is reality! My dreams on the other hand are just memories of my past.
Well, sorry but for me that is not a nightmare but it is already a reality that I will have to face when I finish paying in prison my debt with the justice. My real nightmare is reality! My dreams on the other hand are just memories of my past.
Sorry about your situation. Hopefully it may just turn out. better and would not be as you expected.
Sorry about your situation. Hopefully it may just turn out. better and would not be as you expected.
In fact that's what I hope too, even if now, after the failure of my lawyer's work, the hopes I have left are decidedly few. Perhaps the only "card to play" if I can is to privately carry out a psychiatric evaluation, so that the judge declares me to unable of understanding at the time of the crimes committed.
For me, the worst nightmare was when I was killed, because after that I woke up and thought a lot about life and did not want the bad dream to repeat itself
Oh wow, that's one scary dream. Just be careful though and stay safe.
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