My favorite spot is my desk, with the mechanical keyboard, 2 raised laptops, and iPad and iPad all laid out and ready for me to use. It's very comfortable, and next to my bed so if I get tired I can just lay down and sleep or watch my iPad in bed.
Wow! That sounds like a perfect setting. My husband works from home three days in a week. He has made a similar kind of arrangement in our master bedroom. We have a huge bedroom upstairs and he has done a moveable partition and converted one corner into his office. And when ever he has break, he rests on the recliner watching TV or just rests on the bedMy favorite spot is my desk, with the mechanical keyboard, 2 raised laptops, and iPad and iPad all laid out and ready for me to use. It's very comfortable, and next to my bed so if I get tired I can just lay down and sleep or watch my iPad in bed.
I am alone and therefore don't allow clutter now excepting for Kittu who sometimes makes a mess of the house.Oh! I see. Mine is an active household and with four people, especially young girls, we gather things over a period of time. Decluttering is an ongoing process in my house. I do it at least three to four times in a year. I am all for minimalist living.
Hehe, that's right, bed room is always one of the best place in the house so far, cause its a great place to simply relax and rest after a long day from work or stressing yourself.It seems that most users have their bedroom as their favourite corner. And I totally agree there that it's the place to relax and crash on a cozy bed after a long day. Nothing feels better than a familiar cozy bed at the end of a tiring long day
I totally agree with you. Our bedroom is like our den. Nothing feels more comfortable in the world than our bed at the end of a tiring dayI like my room it is cozy and fun to stay at plus I spend fun time there for exsample playing games and other activities I also like kitchen because I like to cook
Even I like to cook. In fact, we are a family of foodies and we all love to cook. A lot of bonding happens in our kitchen. I too like my kitchen a lot.I like my room it is cozy and fun to stay at plus I spend fun time there for exsample playing games and other activities I also like kitchen because I like to cook