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What's your favorite operating system?


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Oct 4, 2023
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Which operating system is your personal favorite? I prefer Windows since it's the operating system I'm the most comfortable using. Also most of the programs I use for my hobbies aren't written for any other operating system but Windows, so it would make it difficult for me to run these programs unless I used a virtual PC. I've used Ubuntu before too, and it's my personal favorite flavor of Linux but I don't think I could switch to using it full time.
Which operating system is your personal favorite? I prefer Windows since it's the operating system I'm the most comfortable using. Also most of the programs I use for my hobbies aren't written for any other operating system but Windows, so it would make it difficult for me to run these programs unless I used a virtual PC. I've used Ubuntu before too, and it's my personal favorite flavor of Linux but I don't think I could switch to using it full time.
I prefer Windows too since I'm used to it unlike Linux that I use at the moment I'm still confuse how to use it and I'm still learning about it. I'm currently using Chromebook so its all new to me.
My laptop currently houses a Linux operating system and a windows operating system. After trying out both, i would say my preferred choice would be windows and not to mention the fact that it is also more popular.
Mine before was Windows 7 and it was also good but we cannot hold the decision of Microsoft Windows upgrading systems.
It's part of their programs and processes. Let's just abide the changes though I am still rejecting Windows 11.
Linux Ubuntu22.04 (even I also stick with Debian10, the O.S. running the netbook I'm using right now). It's very safe, compared to Windows and MAC (if we are aware of phishing that hit whatever O.S. and don't open whatever link, whatever received e-mail and wisely navigate). And its productive suites are for free (mainly Libre Office). Unfortunately, as universities and banks in my country adore Microsoft tools, I'm compelled to stick with Windows too.
Windows is my preferred operating system due to its usability. Windows is a more flexible solution for both professional and personal use for me because it works with a large variety of software.
Windows 11 is really a neat operating system, I like its UI and especially the tabs feature in Windows Explorer. The taskbar rearrangement was not something that I liked, but now I am okay as I learned the changes.
Currently running on Windows 10 and it is great so far. I just don't like to much syncing stuff and personalization.
You would not be disappointed if you upgrade to Windows 11, the tabbed Windows explorer is one of the coolest features that I sought for ages and finally Win 11 has it.
I use windows 8.1. I know it is kind of old but I think that's the best version of windows ever released. I have used Windows 10 but had to downgrade back to windows 8.1. It is sleeker than Windows 10.
My favorite operating system has always been Windows, although I've also used Linux for a few years, of all the Windows operating systems I've used, my favorite is Windows 7, currently, I am using Windows 10.
My favorite operation system for a pc is windows, its easy and i have been using windows operating system since windows xp, i really love it and the other thing i choose widows operating system is that i play video games on my pc and most video games are maid for windows and it is just perfect for me.
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