Which is easy gaining weight or losing weight?

It is easy to gain weight but to lose weight needs time and a series of exercises. It is best to eat in moderation to avoid excess kilos.
Everyone have the same opinion about how losing weight is hard and challenging, i which we can suck our our fat and not exercises, lol
In my opinion, losing weight is not very much, but it is easier than gaining. After all, all you need is a lot of exercise and a proper diet, and in order to gain weight, you need to eat a lot and also do the right exercises, not just any. BECAUSE I've been trying to gain weight for a long time and in the last 2 years I've only gained 4 kilos
Gaining weight is extremely easy. You just have to sit back, do notting and eat as much junk food as you can eat, then watch the magic happen.
Niyi BrLatest member