Who is your celebrity crush?

Maybe I'm extremely old-fashioned, but...if we are adult people, how to develop a crush for people we don't know at all, we never met and never knew personally:ROFLMAO:? OK, I understand a teenager and a youngster in general, as their trend is daydreaming. But adult people should be pragmatic:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
My Hollywood crush is Angelina Jolie because of her good reputation other than physical features.
Locally celebrities, I still have a crush with Kaye Abad. I thought I felt in love with her during her show called Tabing Ilog. She is a Filipino-American celebrity here in the Philippines.

Jennifer Lawrence has always been the cutest for me because when I first saw the movie Passengers it was something. I think she is quite pretty and also she is nice to talk to as far as I have seen in interviews and also she knows how to joke
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