Work hard in silence and let your success be your noise

That's right. it is bad to waste valuable time just talking instead to working to get things done and successfully
That is the attitude of the lazy people to kill the time and if the time is over, they just punch out and leave. they are not useful in the company or office.
There is a good result if work seriously, no noise to interrupt. I hate nonsense noise, it disrupts the flow of my thoughts. Those who work with noisy mouths end up in a day without something achieved.
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Seasoned business people don't make noise. They don't need validation from anyone but they are focused on results.
Seasoned businessmen never entertain noise. They work in silence to focus on their plans for how to multiply their profits. Those lousy people like to create noise to get sympathy to forget their financial problems, but it is not the solution to their problems. They have to work harder and smarter instead of creating noise.
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