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Yougov always allows me to complete surveys, but here in Italy it offers me too few.


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Oct 13, 2023
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Most of the paying sites for carrying out surveys that arrive in my country (Italy) are previously translated into my language, i.e. Italian. The problem that all my Italian compatriots are experiencing is that these sites, after three or four questions, disqualify us as they don't consider us suitable and consequently, they don't pay us at all!
Yougov, on the other hand, works differently. Meanwhile it has an almost perfect translation into my language and furthermore there are no right or wrong answers. A survey can sometimes be longer, other times shorter, however it always allows me to complete it, assigning me a score equal to the duration of the survey.
But unfortunately, Yougov doesn't offer me many surveys, more or less the average is no more than 4 per month! When one is available it is notified to me directly in my email box.
I was kindly asking: In your countries, does Yougov offer you more surveys, since most of you have English as your main language?​
@SHAHID987 @freelancermaria
Thank you for informing me. So in this regard, I understood that at this point I understood that neither the country nor the language is relevant. Then Yougov being the best survey site of all the ones I know, has the flaw of offering few of them monthly. But the answer probably lies in the fact that, since it pays all users, the owner of Yougov cannot afford to offer too many surveys, to avoid going beyond its budget. Do you agree?​
YouGov is legit but the site didn't pay me. I reached the threshold but the site just disappeared. I finished the target points in 3 months, but so sad in a wink of an eye it disappeared.
This is really bad. Some sites are just scam sites. You can imagine after wasting three whole months on the site. Sorry about that mate
@Xtynehappy @Starmix @Augusta
Forgive my ignorance. But despite I was born and always lived in Italy, can any of you kindly tell me which tier level Italy corresponds to? I don't know this yet! I'm sorry.
Anyway here Yougow work also very slovly.
Thank you in advance.
@Xtynehappy @Starmix @Augusta
Forgive my ignorance. But despite I was born and always lived in Italy, can any of you kindly tell me which tier level Italy corresponds to? I don't know this yet! I'm sorry.
Anyway here Yougow work also very slovly.
Thank you in advance.
I sure do my friend. Your country, Italy belongs to a Tier 1 country. It's supported by facts and figures. Your county doesn't advocate borrowing money in the World Bank unlike the Tier 3 and Tier 4 countries.
This is the right thread where I had to place this comment.

So, Level 1 do you mean I believe unfortunately among the worst in the world? Yet since 1998 Italy has been a member of the EU. However, things have not been going well here for several years now, unfortunately this is also evident to my eyes.
Thank you.
Yougov is one of the best sites to do paid surveys, I think it works very well for tier 1 countries, I don't know how it will work for other countries and if they will have profit opportunities.
Yougov is one of the best sites to do paid surveys, I think it works very well for tier 1 countries, I don't know how it will work for other countries and if they will have profit opportunities.
Hey my Spanish friend, can you please read the message above?
Now that Italy was the worst country among the member states of the European Union, well, I personally noticed this while living there! But now, given that Italy is considered among the worst countries in the world (i.e. only level or tier 1), don't you think they're exaggerating too much?
See you.
Hey my Spanish friend, can you please read the message above?
Now that Italy was the worst country among the member states of the European Union, well, I personally noticed this while living there! But now, given that Italy is considered among the worst countries in the world (i.e. only level or tier 1), don't you think they're exaggerating too much?
See you.
No, I'm not exaggerating, the fact that Italy is part of the European Union already positions it within a Tier-1 country, regardless of other factors, plus it's not just me, look at this map.

These maps don't reflect the reality: they are prepared for political reasons. As I grew up in Italy, I can confirm @Alberello75 is really right. Italy is one of the worst countries of all EU. Who lives the Italian reality in their own skin knows what @Alberello75 talks about. Italy is in fact a third world country, or better said, the most corrupted country among the Tier1 area. In any way, surveys benefits don't take into account the political corruption, but many other factors, in addition to the country where we live (the main: if we count on a job paid at least discreetly, if it is a prestigious job, if we live in a touristic or industrialized city, if we can afford a car and/or a motorbike, if we can afford to regularly go to the cinema, to travel abroad by plane, if we travel for business purposes).
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@riberet19 @pousinha @ALL

So, let's clarify the point of the Italian situation, talking only about the 4 serious crises of the last 30 years until 2020 (I won't analyze the subsequent ones which were also very serious anyway), that have upset our economic situation, because at a societal level, for Italy, I could write an entire book, especially for the second generations (Italian citizens but children of immigrants).

1) 1992 - The Italian Lira (our currency before the Eutro) is kicked out of the SME (European Monetary System) and Italy, also overwhelmed by "tangentopoli" and mafia attacks, finds on the brink of financial abyss!
Devaluation, increase in public debt and above all, exponentially in corruption. The latter leads to serious improper taxation, which obviously falls on the citizens!

2) 2001 - The Globalization
Among the many disadvantages of globalization to mention just three there:
- Too much economic power in the hands of private multinationals.
- Policies that are not sustainable from an energy point of view.
- Decrease in workers' rights.

3) 2008-2009 The subprime crisis
Between 2008 and 2009 the Italian economy suffered one of the worst contractions in its history. The crisis starts from the United States, where the subprime mortgage system collapses. As a consequence, the hardest year for Italy was 2009, when the PIL (Gross Domestic Product, i.e. the country's wealth) fell by 5% and in the two-year period reached -6.5%.

3) 2012 - The sovereign debt crisis
In 2012, international speculation targeted the sovereign debts of Italy and Greece. Even the euro risks collapsing, it was narrowly saved from the drama by: "Whatever it takes"

4) 2020 The Coronavirus pandemic
The virus and the containment measures have triggered an unprecedented crisis in recent history, which has a severe impact on the organization and stability of the Italian economy and society.

Obviously these factors, including the recent ones, do not promise any economic-social improvement for the future. Only keyword: Total uncertainty!
and remember that these immense troubles obviously increase in the underworld-criminal factor!
@Alberello75 is right. Nor I see future improvement perspectives, despite the new government carrying on a different philosophy, compared to the last 35 years of fake communism in Italy. It's hard to solve a debacle that lasted during 35 years and the new government can't make miracles.
@Alberello75 is right. Nor I see future improvement perspectives, despite the new government carrying on a different philosophy, compared to the last 35 years of fake communism in Italy. It's hard to solve a debacle that lasted during 35 years and the new government can't make miracles.
Well, these crises that I mentioned are only a small part of what happened in the pre-pandemic years up to 2020. If we also add to this everything that has happened and is still ongoing since the post-pandemic period such as: War Russia-Ukraine, Conflict Israel-Paestina, Rules (therefore expenses for everyone) to combat climate change imposed on us by the EU, Increase in raw materials which have brought inflation to Italians' shopping carts of over +12% from the year 2022 (to mean. an increase to the inflation to +2% per year is already high), at this point, in my opinion, no better existing government, made up of people with their merits but obviously also with their defects, could ever bring back the Italy to that poco di buono that was still for everyone as we were more than thirty years ago!

Most of the survey sites don't work for my geographical location. But YouGov has worked okay for me in the last three years. I have received three payments from them so far. So, on an average, I reach the payment threshold in one years time. That's because of the high payout threshold and also they don't have a consistency with the survey invitations. One might not receive any for weeks together. And at times, you can get a few in the same week. So, there is no consistent pattern. Just be patient and slowly you will reach the payout.
Most of the survey sites don't work for my geographical location. But YouGov has worked okay for me in the last three years. I have received three payments from them so far. So, on an average, I reach the payment threshold in one years time. That's because of the high payout threshold and also they don't have a consistency with the survey invitations. One might not receive any for weeks together. And at times, you can get a few in the same week. So, there is no consistent pattern. Just be patient and slowly you will reach the payout.
Here in Italy I receive more surveys to complete but practically none of them I manage to complete and therefore I don't earn anything. Yougov instead from what you tell me, here works the same way. In fact I noticed that the frequency with which it offers surveys is quite random, however like you I manage to reach the withdrawal quota about once a year.​
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