Biggest money mistakes

Your nephews will grow business-minded and most probably would choose to manage a business once they are already mature.
I hope they will end up being able to own their own brands or business. But they have a long way to go before they can achieve this - hoping they will grow up successful in life.
I hope they will end up being able to own their own brands or business. But they have a long way to go before they can achieve this - hoping they will grow up successful in life.
They will have that mindset of doing business once they are big enough to do it. Just hope that they will not be exploited by their peers.
They will have that mindset of doing business once they are big enough to do it. Just hope that they will not be exploited by their peers.
I hope so too. I have a brother who can influence them.
My brother is currently making money online by selling items on Shoppe. He creates binders, do crafts. He recently get rid of his books.
I hope so too. I have a brother who can influence them.
My brother is currently making money online by selling items on Shoppe. He creates binders, do crafts. He recently get rid of his books.
Wow, you may follow the footsteps of your brother selling online as a merchant of Shoppe. You can do it, I am so sure of that.
Wow, you may follow the footsteps of your brother selling online as a merchant of Shoppe. You can do it, I am so sure of that.
I want to go get stuff in the Landmark store and resell it on TikTok or Shoppe. Maybe I can ask my brother to use his Shoppe account to do the resell.
I want to go get stuff in the Landmark store and resell it on TikTok or Shoppe. Maybe I can ask my brother to use his Shoppe account to do the resell.
That is good. Do it while you are still motivated to do it. Don't be afraid, because you have not tried it.
That is good. Do it while you are still motivated to do it. Don't be afraid, because you have not tried it.
I went to Landmark in Trinoma. I checked the dept store, the Unifit shorts are extremely cheaper than the one being sold on TikTok.
I went to Landmark in Trinoma. I checked the dept store, the Unifit shorts are extremely cheaper than the one being sold on TikTok.
I haven't heard of those sites you mentioned. Why not try Temu? Their products are legit yet a bit expensive.
I haven't heard of those sites you mentioned. Why not try Temu? Their products are legit yet a bit expensive.
They are not sites, they are physical store in the Quezon City area. I have Temu - I have tried it and I like the products.
They are not sites, they are physical store in the Quezon City area. I have Temu - I have tried it and I like the products.
Aw okay I thought not. Try Temu they're selling legit stuffs. They're many stores selling laptops via Facebook. Do you think they're legit?
Aw okay I thought not. Try Temu they're selling legit stuffs. They're many stores selling laptops via Facebook. Do you think they're legit?
I have not taken their promos lately. I was presented with two free products but before I can get the free items, I should spend at least 2,400 pesos.
I have not taken their promos lately. I was presented with two free products but before I can get the free items, I should spend at least 2,400 pesos.
Let us try to check the feedback from their buyers if their laptops are legit. I was told second hand most probably not deserving.
I made a mistake by not investing money when I was young and now I realise my mistake. I should have done it whe. I started doing job.
You still have ample time to create wealth through investment. Investing doesn't require age but interest and consistency.
I made a mistake by not investing money when I was young and now I realise my mistake. I should have done it whe. I started doing job.
A lot of people make this money mistake. it is always good to either save or invest money when one starts working
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