Who financed your college education?

Sep 25, 2023
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I was an academic scholar during college for straight four years. Despite tuition free being a scholar but I need a daily allowance. My brother who worked in New York as a nurse in a private hospital volunteered to shoulder my allowance. My allowance was more than enough that I could still enjoy going to discos with selective friends and do shopping weekends. I was able to save money for my 4 pet dogs 2 pet cats, 1 pig and one chicken. To make the story short I didn't feel financial difficulties during college. The feeling is nice if there's a family who loves and cares for us. Share yours.
For me it was my mom, i lost my dad before i went to college, so it was mainly my mom. There where times i had to stay for a whole day without eating just so i can manage the little i had. I thank God though in the end i came out well.
For me it was my mom, i lost my dad before i went to college, so it was mainly my mom. There where times i had to stay for a whole day without eating just so i can manage the little i had. I thank God though in the end i came out well.
Sorry for the ordeal you've encountered during your college days. Your perseverance and goal served as your strength to hurdle all obstacles and here you are now successful.
I was an academic scholar during college for straight four years. Despite tuition free being a scholar but I need a daily allowance. My brother who worked in New York as a nurse in a private hospital volunteered to shoulder my allowance. My allowance was more than enough that I could still enjoy going to discos with selective friends and do shopping weekends. I was able to save money for my 4 pet dogs 2 pet cats, 1 pig and one chicken. To make the story short I didn't feel financial difficulties during college. The feeling is nice if there's a family who loves and cares for us. Share yours.
My college education was financed by my father from intermediate to postgraduation. He had his bad times but never stopped my education.
My father is there for me during my university years but along the line he suffered serious financial difficulties. I have to stand up for myself. During that moment, i learnt that life is constantly changing. You can be rich today and by tomorrow, you are a pauper.
My parents financed all our school tuition and allowances during our college days. My father was a farmer, and my mother is a barangay secretary. I'm very proud of them because they sent us to school despite their difficulties finding money, just to give us our primary needs.
My parents financed all our school tuition and allowances during our college days. My father was a farmer, and my mother is a barangay secretary. I'm very proud of them because they sent us to school despite their difficulties finding money, just to give us our primary needs.
Our parents are good models for the children. My mom died when I was 5 years old and my dad was a military official. He was always not around at home, but he shouldered the needs of all of us and when my bro worked in NY, he volunteered to finance my studies in college which was awesome.
My parents financed my education from pre-school to college. That's why I always make them proud, so that the money they spend on me will be worth it. Even though I did not like my course back then since they chose it for me, I still studied hard.
My father financed my college education. Now he is not alive but he was too much supportive person. Usually people do some extra work to manage there fee and other expenses but he was one who told me to just focus on your studies and you don't need to work.
My college days were not all that pretty as i had to hustle my way to get the basic neccessities that i wanted.But i cannot ommit my mum's role in my education.She tried the best she could for me.Now i am doing another stage of school and i am financing it myself.
I was an academic scholar during college for straight four years. Despite tuition free being a scholar but I need a daily allowance. My brother who worked in New York as a nurse in a private hospital volunteered to shoulder my allowance. My allowance was more than enough that I could still enjoy going to discos with selective friends and do shopping weekends. I was able to save money for my 4 pet dogs 2 pet cats, 1 pig and one chicken. To make the story short I didn't feel financial difficulties during college. The feeling is nice if there's a family who loves and cares for us. Share yours.
I got scholarship offers from a State University and from a Private Catholic University to be funded by a government fund but I chose to study in the big city and didn't pursue the scholarship grants. My parents spent for my college education but my master's degree is already my own expense.
I got scholarship offers from a State University and from a Private Catholic University to be funded by a government fund but I chose to study in the big city and didn't pursue the scholarship grants. My parents spent for my college education but my master's degree is already my own expense.
That's good to hear from you firmed in your decision to choose to study in Manila than to any of those universities granting you a scholarship, at least less burden of maintaining grades.
That's good to hear from you firmed in your decision to choose to study in Manila than to any of those universities granting you a scholarship, at least less burden of maintaining grades.
That's something that I don't want to be pressured at.. I was first honor from elementary to high school because of the pressure put on me so when I got to college I told my mother not to expect me to be first because I will be competing with those coming from nig schools lol. Anyway I did not gallivant lol.
That's something that I don't want to be pressured at.. I was first honor from elementary to high school because of the pressure put on me so when I got to college I told my mother not to expect me to be first because I will be competing with those coming from nig schools lol. Anyway I did not gallivant lol.
We're pressured indeed. In my case I kept on computing and complaining for my grades. There were teachers I didn't like so I let them compute face to face with our college dean and chairman. I disliked that experience.
My father financed my education from nursery till graduation. Now I look after my father, as my duty as a son.
I was an academic scholar during college for straight four years. Despite tuition free being a scholar but I need a daily allowance. My brother who worked in New York as a nurse in a private hospital volunteered to shoulder my allowance. My allowance was more than enough that I could still enjoy going to discos with selective friends and do shopping weekends. I was able to save money for my 4 pet dogs 2 pet cats, 1 pig and one chicken. To make the story short I didn't feel financial difficulties during college. The feeling is nice if there's a family who loves and cares for us. Share yours.

In many cases, parents usually finance the education and this is a pretty normal thing. In our country, the governmental institutes are quite cheaper when it comes to offering education. This is why there are many students who may be capable enough to deal with expenses related to college fees. However, not all the people prefer to opt for governmental institutes. This is why paying a huge amount fees could be a big headache for many people, especially if they are studying in private institutes.
In many cases, parents usually finance the education and this is a pretty normal thing. In our country, the governmental institutes are quite cheaper when it comes to offering education. This is why there are many students who may be capable enough to deal with expenses related to college fees. However, not all the people prefer to opt for governmental institutes. This is why paying a huge amount fees could be a big headache for many people, especially if they are studying in private institutes.
Yes, so true and the more this time with our sinking economy education becomes more expensive in the private sectors far different in colleges and universities owned by government, education is 100%free.
We're pressured indeed. In my case I kept on computing and complaining for my grades. There were teachers I didn't like so I let them compute face to face with our college dean and chairman. I disliked that experience.
I never complained about grades. My only consolation is that I get better grades in subjects that most of the dean Listers have low grades lol.
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