Do you consider golden (and maybe silver) jewels as investment and/or savings?

Sep 29, 2023
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My mother's family, as a tradition, used to consider golden jewels as investments for the future (to sell them after decades from the purchasing, to ensure the increase of their value). About the silver ones, my mother wasn't confident, due to their value very much below their golden cousins. I like to follow this family's tradition, but unlike my mother, I don't despise silver jewels. Just this year I had the opportunity to sell an used silver necklace at a good price to a customer of mine, who wanted to give a gift to her mother that loves silver jewels. And now I'm happy I'm seeing the price of the gold skyrocketing. What means golden jewels are an interesting investment.
Well, if I'm not considering golden bars, more suitable as investments, it's due to the cumbersome bureaucracy in my country. The R.S.I. in my country compels us and the store seller also to report our tax ID showing the purchasing bars for tax purposes, but that's not the worst thing. The worst thing comes, in the case of married people, in the case one of the spouses dies. Cause my country's inheritance laws, the gold and other precious metals/stones, even art items like a painting, when children lack, must be shared with the still living ancestors of the deceased spouse (and when they die also, those belonging of yours will belong to your brothers and sisters in-law). So you buy golden bars with your own hard earned money, but if you become a widow, you must share these belongings of yours with your in-laws. Seeing the letter of the law, you should share your jewels too, but in fact, as the owner of the jewellery isn't compelled to report your tax ID showing the purchasing to the R.S.I., under a certain amount of purchasing, you should be safe from such an unfair inheritance law. But in the case of bars, you and the seller must report to R.S.I. whatever amount.
Personally, i don't consider gold or silver jewelry as investment because i can't identify the real one from fake. To me, is a risky business. I only invest in businesses i know about. I don't invest in ornaments and paintings because I don't know how to access and evaluate the quality.
Personally, i don't consider gold or silver jewelry as investment because i can't identify the real one from fake.
Among all the countries I know, it's easy to identify a true golden or silver jewel from a fake. In my former country, there is a fire-branded plaque that marks each jewellery item (Gold 750 carats if golden and Silver 925 in the case of silver). And it exists specific buying used gold and silver shops, that offer the evaluation service. They own the right tool to recognise true from fake. I used such a service, only to confirm all my items are true, as in any way I'm accustomed to only purchase on credited jewellery. If the owners sell a fake requiring the price for a true, they even can be convicted to prison, as among all Western countries I know it's a crime of fraud punished by penal code.
Personally, i don't consider gold or silver jewelry as investment because i can't identify the real one from fake. To me, is a risky business. I only invest in businesses i know about. I don't invest in ornaments and paintings because I don't know how to access and evaluate the quality.
It is best to buy certified gold and silver, in which case, the probability of it being fake is too low, especially if you buy it from reputable jewelry stores.
Investing in gold jewelry can be a smart decision, especially with the current rise in gold prices. However, I also believe that silver jewelry shouldn't be completely overlooked. While it may not have the same value as gold, there's still a market for silver jewelry and it can also be a good investment option.
Yes, I remember the price of gold in my country during 2016, that was about 170 (local currency) per gram, while lately skyrocketed to about 400. I can't report silver's value during the same period, as I was more interested to golden jewels.
I think investing in gold jewelry is a good idea. However, keep in mind that the price of gold tends to fluctuate often due to market dynamics. On the other hand, gold bars could potentially offer more stability in terms of investment, but make sure to have an extensive understanding of this option before proceeding. Personally, I feel more comfortable investing in investments that I can understand. This method ensures that I make informed investment decisions tailored to my knowledge.
Yes, golden bars are more stable than jewels, but in my country their purchasing represents a great inconvenience, due to the inheritance laws I explained before. While you can easily hide your jewels from the inheritance inventory, if you don't spend above a certain amount for each piece. And if you hold them during decades, as my mother was accustomed to do, you can earn an interesting price in the case you need to sell them. Despite the fluctuation, the price of gold has been used to increase after a very long period, at least until now.
It's the first time I read about bronze as an investment. It's a field I'm not familiar and until I know, it's not at all a common investment among European and Latin countries. But I'll try some researches to get informed...
The point is to find a place where to resell bronze items...not the same easiness as the reselling of gold and silver, that count on specific reselling shops placed even in small cities😁
I think you can sell them in the pawnshops. They will process them or to an individual buying and selling bronze. It's better to do business on gold than bronze.
Yes, sure: in my country, the purchasing used gold shops are used to accept silver items too, even if the amount we receive from selling our old silver can't be compared to gold's.
Silver has its own unique charm and beauty. It's worth considering selling or trading silver items to these shops, as every little bit helps.
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